The Four Pillars.

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There is a long list of factors that increase a person's risk of contracting chronic illness such as neurodegenerative diseases. The most critical is chronic stress. The body reacts to chronic stress by releasing stress hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline, and aldosterone, which increases inflammation and depresses the immune system. Once that happens the inflammation can occur in any organ or system in the body or brain that is vulnerable, potentially leading to chronic disease. There are four proven pillars that can greatly influence your health.

Want to learn about how The Four Pillars can help you? Download our PDF to learn more.



Food is our best medicine.

The body is made up of cells. A cell is the unit that is the basis for a living organism. Every body consists of trillions of cells. Cells are the building blocks that make up the human body. Cells, however, don’t work under just any conditions. They need certain nutrients in order to do the work of keeping one alive and healthy. Without those nutrients, the cells become unhealthy and even die.

Want to learn more about nutrition’s critical role in brain health? Download our PDF to learn more.



Exercise is food for the brain.

Exercise makes a significant impact on brain function and preservation. Physical activity could very well be the most important thing one can do to enhance brain function and resiliency to disease. As people reach middle age and/or when they live a sedentary lifestyle, the brain may begin to degenerate, and exercise is critical in offsetting this process. Understanding the importance of exercise is more important than ever.

Want to learn more about how vital exercise is for your health? Download our PDF to learn more.

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A well-rested brain is a healthy brain.

Chronic inadequate sleep puts people at higher risk for neurodegenerative disorders, dementia, depression, mood disorders, heart disease, high blood pressure, weight gain, obesity, and even cancer. While a day or two of staying awake late into the night, or a couple of days after traveling through a few time zones may be uncomfortable, repeatedly disrupting the circadian clock has adverse health consequences on every system in the body.

Want to learn more about how integral sleep is to brain health? Download our PDF to learn more.



Nothing is more damaging to the brain than stress.

One of the major things that impacts and compromises brain function is chronic stress. Chronic stress is a major problem that is accepted as a normal part of our modern-day life. However, chronic stress is anything but normal. It is incredibly harmful to the brain, mental health, emotional health, and physical health.

Want to learn more about how stress affects overall health? Download our PDF to learn more.